According to Eileen, this is irrational disagreement with Eileen’s opinions! Eileen sees herself as upright and honest, which she is, but doesn’t see where she is prejudiced. Her criticisms of the Queen have sometimes been too harsh. The Queen has had to think of the safety of the realm. The Witch did little to help Eileen, when Eileen went out on a limb to support her. It wasn’t unreasonable of the Queen to want the Witch to stop all violence. Eileen, in the Queen’s view, did not speak out enough here, blinded by her own “prejudice” that the Witch must have been wronged in all things, rather than being right in some and totally in error in others.
A pain in the brain, Eileen feels, believing many things are best forgotten. The Queen has a phenomenal memory for all the things the Witch did wrong. Naturally the Queen feels Eileen needs her memory examining. Eileen feels humans have the unfortunate tendency to remember all the wrong things too (though she thinks Remembrance Day is one of the few honourable exceptions).
Something Eileen truly doesn’t understand because she’s never known any! Nor has she been the cause of harmony. Eileen suspects it of being something soppy and that definitely isn’t for her.
Something Eileen sees as a complete waste of time. Mind, if another woman took an interest in Derek, she would change her mind.
This is something Eileen aspires to! She also feels that the Queen doesn’t have any either though the monarch takes the opposite view. Roxannadrell feels she’s shown loads of patience to her rebellious cousin, indeed far more than any of her ancestors would’ve shown.