Something everyone else does. Eileen takes her time making up her mind over important decisions. It’s for her to say how long that time should be. Everyone else dilly-dallies though.
Again something everyone else does. Eileen considers herself to be “flexible”, able to change her position as quickly as the circumstances demand. Naturally for her everyone else doesn’t have the guts to stick to their original positions. Equally naturally Eileen doesn’t see the hypocrisy in that attitude! Her daughter does though.
Magic (as performed on Earth)
Eileen loathes conjurers. There is no sleight of hand with her. She either curses or she doesn’t! Also she gives warning she’s about to issue a spell. She does not see misdirection, especially designed magical equipment anywhere near the level of her magic. If she had her way she’d transform all “magicians” into something nasty but so they knew then what real magic was!
A society where nothing stops Eileen having sex with Derek, lots of cups of tea, lots of books to read and where chocolate is recognized as being good for one’s health. It also involves decent plumbing. Eileen adores hot showers… and they’re even hotter when she decides to share with Derek!
Those things that are not human but which make noises, most of which sound peculiar, squelch, fight and mate and make a great big fuss about either or both, and where mess is compulsory. Eileen, while wanting to take care of the environment and those dependent on it as this is generally A Good Thing, is not one for rambling on nature walks and so on. Other people can get wet, muddy and/or cold and in Britain these things are guaranteed!