Central Heating
Eileen defines this as being weak-willed unless you’re over 80. She knows cold when she comes across it!
A gross invasion of the soul according to Eileen. She’s not been keen to be snapped when she returns to the Palace after yet another dangerous mission. Indeed last time out she threatened to ram the offending camera somewhere its owner would find it difficult to retrieve from. The owner backed off quickly.
The perfect job for any nosey parker who wants that attribute to be official.
What the inevitably bossy seek to get into so they can be bossy officially over everyone else. To be treated warily at all times.
In Eileen’s view, nothing but polyester tat. While she likes separates, she always goes for quality. She likes natural fabrics - silk, cotton etc - and won’t wear manmade fibres. They’re simply not as good as nature fibres.
Talent Shows
Regrettably Eileen’s views are unprintable.
Those folk who lie for a living and get away with it.
Political Interviewers
Those folk who know their subjects are corrupt but can’t prove it. Much crawling is involved though to his credit Roherum doesn’t do that. He asks direct questions, naïve questions, anything he thinks might be interesting or useful. In fairness, he usually gets it right. He’d never rival Paxman or Humphries but can do a passable interview.
While politicians come up with total manure in answering questions, gardeners get on with the business of putting real manure around the roses and so on. Eileen knows what is the more honest profession.