The weather can play a role in writing as long as it matters to the story (in terms of outcome/character development etc). Generally speaking, it matters to the story is the most important rule in all fiction writing! Weather can also be used to reflect or contrast mood. If someone is singing in the rain, we would generally want to know why! Interest piqued... now follow through with interesting reasons why!
What writers should seek to control in their writing should be:-
1. Everything that is in the story has to be in there. Something would be lost in terms of character and/or plot if anything was removed. If anything could be skipped, cut it out. It is what readers/editors will skip.
2. Their characters. Characters should be well developed and should engage with the reader (even if it is to make the reader hate them!).
3. Dialogue. This should reveal information/move the story onwards. Any dialogue without a purpose shouldn't be in there.
Image Credit: Pixabay. For captions see the CFT post!