The main provisions of the General Magical Law is not to use more magical energy than necessary for the task in hand and don’t rebel against the monarchy and Council. Some villages and towns tend to use things like our medieval stocks as a form of punishment. Others turn their errant beings into something nasty for a while (the really errant ones don’t get turned back again at all).
Village leaders have to send a note once a week to the Palace to say what disciplinary actions have been taken against whom and why so the government keeps a watching brief on what’s going on. This is how Wes and Stan got such a bad reputation. Everything they did in their home villages was written down and passed on. All the punishments their home folk tried failed and that was written down. This is why they were sent to the Palace. Their village leaders felt it was high time the Queen had a go at sorting these sprites out.
The Queen believes if she can get Jennifer to come to the Kingdom and stay there for a while, the girl will see the advantages of the magical realm and stay for good. That worries Jenny, as does the renowned Kingdom prejudice against alien beings, but the Queen knows that can be overcome.
The Queen has a great deal more influence with her subjects than most monarchs have and she wouldn’t be afraid to use that. This influence is exploited by the Council at times, especially when it can be used against the likes of the Witch, but they also resent it as it causes difficulties. It’s not unknown for a law they’ve passed to be overturned by her, not just by her using her right of veto but by drumming up public support.
What aggravates the Council is knowing they can’t do anything about this, the public would resent it and the Queen would go bananas. A potty monarch with huge power is never a good combination.