Fairies visit other worlds regularly and have been known to deputize for the angelic squad, when sending them in would be considered too frightening or a case of overkill. Eileen is the only one who wants to stay on earth though! Fresdian (Rose) comes to love life on earth (though naturally it’s the wildlife she’s most interested in).
There is no question of the Kingdom having its own “space programme”. Any world the Kingdom wants to visit, well it sends representatives and usually the world in question does not realize. Another reason for the lack of interest in other worlds is the Kingdom has been at war at some point with practically all of them! And most in the Kingdom relish the relative peace and calm now and don’t want anything rocking the boat. If that means ignoring the neighbours, so be it.
Most beings in the Kingdom have a healthy scepticism towards the Council, something they’ve developed for themselves, though they’re not surprised by humans being disillusioned with their politicians. The Council blame FNN for this perception though the Queen sympathizes with her people. It isn’t that the Council are greedy or self seeking but they are slow, use language best left in the archives as it is far too long-winded, and tend to be reactive rather than proactive.
Also the Queen and Eileen go out on load of various visits around the realm. The “sticks” rarely get to see the Council. FNN do not broadcast serious programmes like our Newsnight for example but cover the basics of politics only, believing correctly it is all most people are interested in and the ones that want in depth analysis are probably in need of that in depth analysis on themselves!
L’Evallier despairs at this attitude. He would like to see more taking an interest in what the Council actually does do, see the difficulties it has at times (especially with the Queen, who is not all sweetness and light) and provide the realm's future Council members (and better still enough within a species to ensure there is an election to choose who represents that species. At the moment it is the most obvious being who takes any interest in the art of governing that gets put on the Council and L'Evallier, with the benefit of hindsight, can see how the treacherous Brankaresh took advantage of that).