If my characters were given the chance to interview anyone in any time, dimension or world, they would probably take it. Eileen definitely would as she relishes knowing what makes people tick. It makes her job as fairy godmother extraordinary easier to carry out if she knows the kind of person she is dealing with. Her choices to interview are:-
- The Fairy Queen - Eileen would put her on the spot and ask the questions that in the magical world would land her at best in jail or at worst facing the prospect of having her powers stripped away. This is painful and strip away enough of them, the magical being concerned dies.
- Queen Elizabeth Tudor - Eileen admires this lady and would love to know how she coped with knowing what her father did to her mother. It is one hell of a burden to take with you throughout life.
- Jane Austen - Eileen admires the wit of Pride and Prejudice in particular and would quiz Jane over her working methods and inspiration.
- Jeremy Paxman - Eileen would put him on the spot and happily ask him the same question a dozen times, even if he did answer it the first time, simply to be annoying. She'd relish every moment of that!