The Chief Dwarf lists inspecting gold supplies as his chief hobby though keeping fit and practising axe manoeuvres also take up a lot of his spare time. Everyone gives him a clear berth when he's doing the latter! When not serving on the Council, Rodish visits the dwarves throughout the Kingdom to find out their concerns and take them directly to the Queen and her Council. He also spends a lot of his time responding to correspondence. He enjoys checking different beers out though has, as yet, to find the one that most appeals. He is a unifying figure for dwarves. He is Lord of his Manor at Amnerbury and is a fair but firm Landlord. He doesn't enjoy paperwork but takes comfort from the fact nobody does.
Rodish's younger brother took over the Chief Dwarf's role following the brutal murder of his sibling by the Chief Witch. It was not a role he ever envisaged taking over. Dwarves have a long life as a rule and Rodish had no major enemies within the dwarf community. (Usually Chief Dwarves are pushed out by rivals). However Balkish has adapted well. He shares his late brother's love of traditional dwarf sports and beer but has had the good sense to bring in other family members to help him restore his brother's estate after the Witch's destructive frenzy. This will take some time. When the Chief Witch goes into a frenzy, she is thorough about it.