Teaching mixes theory and practical and is put into subjects like transformation, transportation and so on. The only non-magic subject is sport, which is held every afternoon for the last two hours. The authorities are keen on this as not only do magical beings have to be fit to be able to fight magical opponents, there is real fear if you keep witches and wizards cooped up with their wands and books of magic all day every day, something will go horrendously wrong with the minds of said witches and wizards and the damage to the Kingdom could be incalculable. So if running around on a field for a few hours daily at school can prevent that, the Council is all for it.
The fairy squad, set up by Eileen, practices in the Palace grounds, well away from where the rest of the Household relaxes during off duty times. Eileen set up a force field around the practice area which the Queen has since reinforced (yes, Eileen does know and yes, she’s livid about it - she loathes having her abilities questioned but is aware the monarch would happily make an issue out of this by telling Eileen to come back and fix it if she’s that unhappy).
Having said that the squad have got used to having Household members stand outside the force field to watch the squad at work. Applause has been known. New squad members run the gauntlet of mocking
laughter when they foul up. Hanastrew has made no attempt to stop that. She calls it character forming. The newer squad members call it something too but not by a name I feel I can put here! The squad as a whole doesn’t really like being entertainment for the staff, every so often they send a spell “wide” so it bounces off the force field. This give the squad a chance to have a laugh as they see those Household members not aware the squad do this jump out of their skins.
The squad practice sessions include setting up fake battles and Hanastrew and her team destroying these using various spells depending on what skill they’re working on. Hanastrew sets theory papers, based on ones Eileen set her. The squad prefers the practical sessions. It’s more fun making something explode with a suitable charm than writing down your theories about what you’d do in certain situations. Magical Ethics is not a popular subject as everybody in the Kingdom knows they’ve used magic in dodgy situations or to achieve things they should’ve used more honourable means to get. Having to sit a paper on Magical Ethics brings on bad consciences!
For the evil side of the Kingdom, Magical Ethics is a waste of time. This causes resentment amongst the good guys. Why can’t they just get on with their job and send the evil ones to the next world? Why must paperwork get in the way? But Queen and Council see the Magical Ethics papers as a way of gauging mental states.
Anyone writing they “want to blitz communities apart ASAP regardless of what said community has done” or show prejudices will be getting a visit from the authorities PDQ. Eileen loathes the paper. She sees it as a form of government interference which doesn’t achieve anything useful. She has no problem with the interference - it’s the lack of practical gain that gets her goat. After all everyone writes down what they think the government wants them to write!