The Queen thought Eileen’s fiery temperament would be resented by the Household but to the ruler’s amazement the opposite was true. Eileen’s maids were devoted to her, knowing she’d always treat them decently and she appreciated the help she did allow them to give her. Eileen argued it was more important for them to give her feedback than help her dress. Eileen could manage the latter after all!
Wherever Eileen could cut through Palace protocol, she would. It had the knock on benefit this inevitably eased the workload of the Household, who appreciated it. The Lord Chamberlain saw it was one of Her Highness’s whims. Royalty, in whatever world, are always allowed to be eccentric. Anyone else trying to cut Palace protocol would have been given the derriere’s speedy exit before they had time to protest!
There is a hierarchy below stairs with the Lord Chamberlain being the Ultimate Boss. In many ways to the Household he can be more of a boss than the Queen if only because, while she isn’t aloof and does make the effort to keep a caring eye on those working for her, the staff obviously see much more of him than they do Her Nibs. And a lot of the time they do see Her Nibs it is in very formal settings.
Most of the Household are elves, there’s a goodly supply of dwarves and the goblins tend to run the State Dining Room. Their cuisine is highly praised and they do not stick to their own food. With encouragement from the Queen, the daily menu consists of food from throughout the Kingdom and its species but also from other planets. One of the few things she likes about Earth is its cookery (and booze!).
The Queen is also keen to help the Kingdom’s endangered species - the griffin to name but one - and feels one great way of doing that is by not eating them!!! Many of her ancestors would have considered her a “wuss” for taking that line!
There is also a hierarchy between the indoors staff and the Palace gardeners. Naturally each side believes they’re the superior one! The Household tend to look down on those “unfortunates out in all weathers”. The gardeners consider those stuck in the Palace as stuck up and clearly suffering from an insufferability complex thanks to being indoors for far too long per day.
The Queen finds the rivalries between different sections of the Palace both amusing and irritating (which mood depends on how much trouble the staff problems give her). The Household run betting books on various events - most notably if the Queen will marry and if so to whom. The gardeners run their own and neither the twain shall meet. The fact the Queen loves spending as much time in the gardens as possible and enjoys chatting to her gardeners irritate her indoors staff (they think it common) but cheers up the gardeners no end. They appreciate being appreciated. Eileen believes had it not been for Derek’s species, his gardening talents would’ve been taken up by the Kingdom ages ago.