Could your world come to an end? If so, how? If magic is involved, can that be misused to damage the physical world it’s set in? In my novels, I’ve set up barren areas, made that way by having too much magic pounding them. This has a knock on effect in forcing populations to move away and into other areas, causing tensions between the different groups (the sprites are generally condemned for having an irresponsible attitude to sex and reproduction - they are at it like rabbits!).
Customs on your World
What are your world’s customs? What does it do/say to those who rebel or don’t follow the customs “correctly”? How does it react if someone shows up one or more of the customs as wrong? Is there a history of dissidents or have you got a character blazing the way here? Is the media controlled, directly or subtly? With FNN I have a snobby goblin, Roherum, keen to please the Queen so he’s not going to rock the boat. Could someone be placed by your authorities deliberately to manipulate matters on their behalf?
Family Backgrounds
To help make your characters seem more real you should have some reference to their family background. After all nobody comes from nowhere and while the family doesn’t have to appear in your short story or novel or whatever, it would be odd if your character doesn’t refer to them in some way, no matter how briefly. After all what you make the character says here can show a great deal of how they interact (or not) with their family and the reader can speculate as to how they’re likely to get on with people in general and whether they’re likeable or not. Also if the character gets on well with the family, do they do this to the exclusion of getting on with anybody else? Do they look down on others?