Goblins are renowned for their swiftness so take on assistant roles throughout the Palace. Roherum is a goblin and many of FNN’s reporters are too, the broadcasters capitalizing on the natural speed talents here.
The Queen encourages cookery to come not just from her world but from universes the magical world has had contact with. There is never the same menu two days running here. Some world cuisines go down better than others. Earth cuisine is generally fine. The cooking skills of the mud eating specialists of the Planet Sestrus, a mere 100 miles from the Fairy Kingdom, was tried once and won’t be again.
The Queen also asks her teams of fairies, who visit other worlds, to bring back small samples of plants as she likes certain things about other worlds (though usually not the inhabitants, humanity especially) dotted around the Palace and its grounds as a kind of exhibition. These plants are put in an isolated part of the Palace gardens to see how they grow. The Queen, and her gardening team, are generally not worried about contamination from other worlds here. After all it is the Kingdom that has the magical plants - the ones that eat the unwary passer by, those that grow upside down, those who spray their pollen at great distances and deliberately target the hayfever sufferers and those that give the bees and wasps that pollinate them so much nectar it is not uncommon to see swarms of drunken insects, a known hazard during the early springtime especially.
There are no plans to bring back examples of wildlife as there are concerns these wouldn’t survive the transportation process yet alone conditions in the Kingdom. It is felt plants are generally hardier and adapt quicker to a new environment.
The settlements run themselves but under General Magical Law applied to all beings equally by the Queen and Council. So therefore any village troublemakers are dealt with village leaders in a way that is deemed appropriate. Almost anything is appropriate. The main provisions of the General Magical Law is not to use more magical energy than necessary for the task in hand and don’t rebel against the monarchy and Council. Some villages and towns tend to use things like our medieval stocks as a form of punishment. Others turn their errant beings into something nasty for a while (the really errant ones don’t get turned back again at all).
Village leaders have to send a note once a week to the Palace to say what disciplinary actions have been taken against whom and why so the government keeps a watching brief on what’s going on. This is how Wes and Stan got such a bad reputation. Everything they did in their home villages was written down and passed on. All the punishments their home folk tried failed and that was written down. This is why they got sent to the Palace. It was figured it was time the Queen had a go at sorting these sprites out!