No. The late Witch repeatedly threatened the Kingdom, Eileen (to whom she owed a great debt!), as well as me, which we admit is not a surprise given Heads of State always receive death threats. We were not prepared to allow the Witch to live to carry on her policy of attacking our people. The monarch’s first responsibility is to defend their people. As for Eileen, she was always too soft on the Witch. It goes to show anyone can have their judgement skewered. Yes, we accept Gwendolyn did behave badly but it was not just to the Witch’s family, it was to others too (Eileen’s family funnily enough, I think Gwendolyn saw them as rivals) yet they didn’t try to destroy people.
Eileen warned you about Brankaresh’s “odd” behaviour which she thought treasonable. Do you regret not stopping him sooner? Will there be tighter controls on future Chief Wizards as they’re one of the few groups who could challenge you?
Yes. It is a source of huge regret as we gave him every encouragement to be loyal by rewarding his excellent early work with promotion and royal favour. There are tight controls over the Chief Wizard’s position in place now, the main measure being unannounced spot inspections. Abstar, my current Chief Wizard, is happy over this claiming this is because he has nothing to hide. No doubt time will prove him correct.