Yes! Mother must have known or had a good guess at what the consequences of her defection would be. While I am grateful she fell for Dad leading to my existence, she should have planned her defection better and made absolutely sure the Queen could not come after her. I know Mother will argue that she did plan the defection (we have had this quarrel many times) but she would have known the Queen’s capabilities and taken extra precautions against them. Mother simply wasn’t through enough. Mother is used to being a magical being but I have to come to terms with being neither one thing fully nor the other. I am a compromised being in every sense. It does not make me feel good.
Are you using your magic, save in self defence? If you are, should you not be kinder to Eileen given you owe her skills to her?
I limit my use of magic. I was happy when I thought I was just a human being. All I’ve seen of magic is the trouble it causes so I use what skills I have sparingly. I don’t want to attract those creatures who feed on magic. You can’t imagine the horror I felt at having a dragon turn up in my garden. It did nothing for the wildlife who live here either. I really don’t want to face that again. I am not deliberately unkind to Mother but she has dropped me in it and I fail to see how it is wrong she is reminded of that fact. She owes me!