I have some respect for Eileen, who remains the only fairy godmother I have ever had any respect for. She is brave, does not kill unless there is no other option and has insisted, when the Queen has argued otherwise, that I deserve a trial and not immediate execution. Eileen is also sympathetic to the fact that her branch of the royal family has caused problems for my branch (and that it wasn't entirely our fault) and remains one of the most honest beings I've ever come across. I would have no compunction killing the Queen but Eileen... no, she deserves to live because of that honesty.
Also if you are ever brought to trial, you would need to have someone you could appeal to that would listen to you, yes?
Yes. Eileen would be the first to tell you I'm not stupid. I know Eileen would at least try me fairly. I cannot say that about our mutual cousin, the Queen.
Despite your respect for Eileen, you and your witches have no problems in harrassing the other fairies. This does seem inconsistent.
Not at all. We witches are doing our job in keeping the so-called good guys on their toes. The Queen wants active fairies serving her - well she gets them thanks to us. And someone in this Kingdom should speak out for the less obviously likely magical creatures. That's where we come in.