Roherum, your capacity for banal questions truly is amazing (this is not a compliment) but for the record, I am proud of my ancestral heritage, my wife and the work I do for the Queen and this blessed realm.
How much magic do you use in your role?
I endeavour to minimise my use of magic. I see magic as being best kept for defensive measures, where common sense and discipline are not enough to protect against evil. I use some magic to help organize my various roles (from Council Leader to Chief Elf, there is always far too much administration for any one person to see to – you should see my correspondence piles!).
What part of your role do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy looking back at the end of my working day and seeing I have served my magical realm, my monarch and my people well. That I have carried out all I need to do and I have left nothing undone. The Queen’s correspondence can yield some interesting letters (usually from children who are honest in how they express themselves. How unlike the Council!).
Do you tire of your reputation as an "old fusspot"?
No but I believe the Queen tires of it. I see it as my role to keep the monarch on the straight and narrow. Disaster for the Kingdom has always resulted from rulers that strayed off that path. Someone has to remind the Queen of the rules and the purpose of them.