The Witch always disputed the truth of anything broadcast on FNN as she feels her family was unfairly portrayed and treated. She has a point but sadly her family were mass murderers and rebels so the fairy royals were right to defend their people against them. What Eileen queries is whether the royals could’ve intervened sooner, acted more fairly, preventing the need for a forceful defence. Eileen’s queries are not welcome.
The sciences as we know them are of little interest in a magical world. Alchemy is despised. The nearest science studied is natural history and that’s only done by the likes of Fresdian (Rose) who is considered an eccentric. There’s a wariness of science as practiced on Earth as the Queen and her Council are aware it is science that leads to mankind making new discoveries, some of which the magical realm don’t want them to find out as it could lead to humans finding their world.
Every so often humans are “enabled” to find, say, a new planet so they’re busy investigating that if the magical worlds thinks humans are getting too close. Accurate measurements are a must for the potion makers.
And there is an awareness of the need for a great deal of distance when casting an explosive charm between the caster and the being/thing it’s aimed at. But that’s more common sense that mathematics or the acceptance of every action causes an equal and opposite reaction. Science as such is unlikely to ever go down well here.