Honestly, those people really ought to go for anger management counselling but until such time as they do, visitors to the magical realm would do well to know what they are visiting, what the etiquette is and have a powerful fairy godmother or someone of that ilk as their guide. That at least improves the chances of leaving the place (a) alive and (b) with all of your bits, personal and otherwise, being where they should be or where they were when you first turned up.
Residents of the magical realm from all species and abilities get it wrong too but they are schooled at a very early age on all those things which will result in their death. They are taught the "What Not to Do" school of thought and have this reinforced with workshops (attendance compulsory), lectures (attendance compulsory) and must re-read the classic fairy tales at least once a month (this is also compulsory. There isn't much that is voluntary in the Fairy Kingdom).
This should make one thing clear. The world of magic definitely has its downside.