Eileen’s marriage works, much to everybody’s surprise, but nobody is prepared to credit that Derek is a rather special human being. Eileen knows that his wonderful gardening skills would be prized in her old world had it not been for his species. She loathes prejudices and to her great credit hates the ones of her own world the most as she feels they’re the ones she can condemn the most.
Villages group together (in groups of five) annually for their summer carnival where all species takes part. These are arranged throughout the season so the Queen and/or Eileen can attend them. A lot of drinking takes place and that’s just by the organizing committees! There are floats, on the theme of fairy tales and nursery rhymes, but you can get the Kingdom’s equivalent of an “avant garde” float based on the theme of how horrible humanity is, which always goes down well. There’s nothing like condemning an alien life form to bring magical beings together in a spirit of unity.
Fairy tales and nursery rhymes must be re-enacted regularly in the magical world to keep the stories “alive”. Once the carnivals are over for the year, there’s a lot of competitiveness to see which group of villages got the best coverage on FNN and which royal seemed to enjoy which festival most. The debates from this keep FNN and the press going for material for months. This material ranges from nice to poisonous. The disappointment of those who didn’t get on the organizing committees or felt their carnival didn’t get enough attention can be physically felt by all magical beings for over twenty miles!
The Queen and Eileen (pre-defection) enjoy going to the carnivals and enter into the spirit of the things readily. The Council don’t approve, it’s a bit common, an attitude that gains them short shrift from both royals. The women travel around the Kingdom a lot, believing it vital to keep in contact with the people and show they are approachable. Royal visits generally go down well and FNN lap them up. Roherum sees it as a gold mine for his career - all that gushing to be done! All those adjectives to bring out for yet another airing! All the repeats of the pageantry! The Queen tends to send Eileen on engagements and organizes her own. While Wes is her aide, she tells him what the appointments are. She doesn’t have the equivalent of a private secretary but is considering changing that if only because promoting Wes again would wind the Council up, something she likes to do from time to time to keep them on their toes.