It is a major part of the fairy squad’s duty to combat rogue dragons and to keep an eye on those living quietly to make sure they keep on doing that and nothing more. Every so often the Queen and her Council will “throw out” discoveries for humans to make, like the finding of a new planet, to ensure they don’t come too close to finding their realm. Everybody in the Kingdom thinks humans would try to exploit magical power for their own ends if they were to find the magical realm. Nobody in the Kingdom believes humans would resist the temptation to try to colonize the Fairy Kingdom. Sadly they’re right.
Most of the mythical beasts stay away from the settlements and the dimension barriers leading to other worlds and with very good reason. Humans hunt them. Fairies hunt them. Witches hunt them. Wizards hunt them. Okay there are different reasons - the fairies generally “hunt” them to monitor numbers and study the creatures but the creatures are not impressed and prefer to be left well alone. They would consider the likes of our David Attenborough nothing more than a peeping tom!!! Having said that Wandarox, Hanastrew’s deputy, is a magnifient artist and her most celebrated portraits are of the unicorns, centaurs and other creatures, showing them at their best - in the wild, living life as they want to live it. Witches and wizards tend to hunt the creatures to extract blood, skin, hair etc and they’re usually not fussy just how they do this. It is possible to extract these things without damaging the creatures - the darker side of the magical world never bothers. They want it. They get it. They don’t bother with the gentle approach.
Whilst the Kingdom despises humanity for polluting its own planet, it doesn’t take much care of its own realm. Not only were there magical wars which left many areas barren (nothing can take too much magic hitting it), those like Fresdian (later Rose) who go studying the flora and fauna in all weathers and seasons are considered at best eccentric and at worst mad. Whilst the schools do teach the basics about magical creatures and plant life, the teaching ends there. There’s no thought given as to how best to care for the landscape.
As for the wars, they are considered unfortunate, embarrassing historical events, not to be discussed yet alone rectified. It would be possible for the Queen and her senior magical staff to rectify some of the damage done to the Kingdom, but the thought hasn’t occurred to them to do it. Even if it did occur to them, they’d reject the idea as wasting their magical energy. The Fairy Kingdom fails to recognize its own selfishness here. They’ve got more in common with humanity than they care to admit.