In my Fairy Kingdom, magical species compete within their own groups and not across the species. This is partly to stop the trolls and dwarves, to name one example, resuming their old hostilities, using competitions as a disguise. It is also because the competitions can be more easily managed if you only have one group of characters to deal with at a time.
Competitions are set up to show off what youngsters in each magical group have learned in the previous year. Again the contest is like against like so nobody can dominate another. It would be unfair to set a Year 3 student against a Year 1 pupil for example.
There are rules for all competitions which are:-
- You shall not kill your competitors or injure them in any way. If you do, whatever it is you bestow on them will be doled out on you.
- You will only use the magical equipment your specific competition allows you to use.
- You will not take magic enhancing pills or use spells to boost your abilities.
- You will not use genies in any magical object to grant your wish to win.
- Nor will you call on your fairy godmother, should you have one, to help you in a competition.
These rules are adhered to, given the consequences for not doing so are severe and it is well known the Queen and her Council will issue the punishments allowed for by the lore.