Most of the Household are elves, there’s a goodly supply of dwarves and the goblins tend to run the State Dining Room. Their cuisine is highly praised and they do not stick to their own food. With encouragement from the Queen, the daily menu consists of food from throughout the Kingdom and its species but also from other planets. One of the few things she likes about earth is its cookery (and booze!). The Queen is also keen to help the Kingdom’s endangered species - the griffin to name but one - and feels one great way of doing that is by not eating them!!! Many of her ancestors would have considered her a “wuss” for taking that line!
The kitchen staff comprise of the Head Housekeeper (who deputizes for the Lord Chamberlain for the Palace as a whole on the rare occasions he is ill or otherwise unavailable for duty), three senior cooks (each specializes in each of the three daily meals), three junior cooks (they assist and where necessary deputize for the seniors) and assistants.
Pixies are fabulous cooks so the kitchen staff are mainly made up from their community but the Head Housekeeper is an elf as nobody would trust any sprite to run such an important Palace department on their own. Goblins are renowned for their swiftness so take on assistant roles throughout the Palace. Roherum is a goblin and many of FNN’s reporters are too, the broadcasters capitalizing on the natural speed talents here.
The Queen encourages cookery to come not just from her world but from universes the magical world has had contact with. There is never the same menu two days running here. Some world cuisines go down better than others. Earth cuisine is generally fine. The cooking skills of the mud eating specialists of the Planet Sestrus, a mere 100 miles from the Fairy Kingdom, was tried once and won’t be again.