Fairies visit other worlds regularly and have been known to deputize for the angelic squad, when sending them in would be considered too frightening or a case of overkill. Eileen is the only one who wants to stay on Earth though! Fresdian (Rose) comes to love life on Earth (though naturally it’s the wildlife she’s most interested in).
There is no question of the Kingdom having its own “space programme”. Any world the Kingdom wants to visit, well it sends representatives, whether that world knows it or not, and usually the world in question does not realize. Another reason for the lack of interest in other worlds is the Kingdom has been at war at some point with practically all of them! And most in the Kingdom relish the relative peace and calm now and don’t want anything rocking the boat. If that means ignoring the neighbours, so be it.
The fairy-vision system is a direct lift of television from Earth. The Kingdom is happy to despise humanity but nick its good ideas. Gwendolyn saw the usefulness of having a system where news could be broadcast around the realm without the need for using magical energy. Sadly it gave the Kingdom the goblin news reporter, Roherum, who thinks he’s God’s gift when everybody else knows he isn’t. Having said that, he can be insightful (it usually happens by accident) and knows the weatherman is after his job. The main programmes on FNN are the news bulletins though Roherum also fronts This Week’s Royal Gossip Show which Roxannadrell loathes (and is amazed at what can be found to gossip about, this amazement is not in a good way).
There are some wildlife programmes but most things on the schedule are fronted by Roherum or written by Roherum or commissioned by Roherum and sometimes a combination of these. Nobody’s sure where Roherum came from to be able to do all this but they know they’re stuck with him. His avuncular manner, to the disgust of the weatherman is popular.
Even the Chief Witch likes him. Nobody is too sure if Roherum should be flattered or horrified by this.